The election is over, so no more Obama Facts or pretty much anything else related to politics. Just random, and shorter, thoughts from now on.
Since I believe in the Harmony, the idea that "God" is a "spirit" that connects all souls to all others, I will be writing about what that means.
Perhaps it is no surprise that in every religion's core beliefs, loving one another is the ultimate way to stay in Harmony with all other souls.
Ultimately, though, there are no absolutes. The "Golden Rule" is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Therefore, the measure is YOU.
If you want to be loved deeply, then you need to love deeply.
If you want someone to take risks to love you, take risks to love others.
If you want others to care for you, care for others.
If you don't want or give love, or take any risks to love others, or really care very much for them, do not expect others to love you, or take risks to love you, or care very much about you.
So, love everyone, regardless of who they are and what they have done to you.
The measure is not them.
The measure is YOU.