As we approach the Easter Season I was contemplating what this season really is all about for me. I am a doubter as to the resurrection itself, preferring the well-formulated theory of German theologian, Holger Kersten, that Jesus' friends saved him from the cross and that his subsequent appearances were really of the "recovered Jesus" rather than a risen one. Does that matter? Actually I think it makes the story stronger.
So if it is not about a miraculous rising of a dead demi-God, how could Easter retain real spiritual value for me?
Judaism is about stories. Jesus and his followers were of course Jews. The factuality of the stories is less relevant than the point of the story.
The point of this story is that no matter how blameless we may be, no matter our motives, intentions or the sincerity of our actions, we will all go through times of suffering, just as did Jesus, who was found to be sinless and blameless by his own accusers. At times that suffering will seem insurmountable, so much so that we may feel that our higher power, our God, our Harmony of souls, or whatever you may be comfortable believing in, has deserted us, just as Jesus did when he cried out in pain, "Father, why have you foresaken me?" (though he said it in Arameic not proper English.)
The story shows us that no matter the pain or the suffering, we can handle it. With the help of our friends and family, we can get through it. We can rise again. We can be resurrected from our suffering. We can be renewed.
We will live through difficult times. We will rise from the depths each time, with the help of others. We will be reborn into a life of joy and happiness, each time.
That, to me, is the story of Easter. Then the Spring comes. The grass turns from brown to green. The trees blossom and then leaf out into summer splendor. The flowers bloom. The birds sing. The animals scurry about finding a mate to perpetuate their species. The world is resurrected yet again from the frozen grey grips of winter.
And, of course, the Easter Bunny comes and brings us colored eggs and chocolate bunnies and other yummy things. (I think that story is in Acts . . . well maybe not).
Love to all. We shall all suffer and we shall all be resurrected many times over.