Monday, January 14, 2019

Why a Heroine

I’m a man. People have asked me over the years it took me to write Reset,, why I chose a female hero and to attempt to write from her perspective.

As my two successful and independent adult daughters grew up, we surrounded them with female role models. But they had few super-heroines to root for. I’m thrilled that Wonder Woman and Black Widow have begun to change that.

I wanted women in Reset who were strong together, as a group, not just alone. Heroines, both gifted with special powers, and “ordinary” but strong who step out beyond expectations.

Sarah’s life prior to the transition to a world without anything man-made is traumatic. Her parents died in an accident for which she blames herself. She has run from an ex-husband who’d beaten and shot her.  In the process, she dragged her girls from the only family they knew, his family. A bravery she does not give herself credit for.

Laden with guilt, fear, remorse and anger, Sarah must learn to trust again, to feel again, to care again, to teach, lead and be part of a new Family. Finally, she must learn to love again and to harness her strengths to save the Family.

I did a lot of research, employed female editors and enlisted the services of numerous female beta and advanced readers to make sure the story felt authentic to them. I am deeply grateful for the vast amount of suggestions I have received along the way. It was very important to me that Sarah and all of the other characters reflect strength and grace. I’ve been told that it shows up in the final book.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Being There

I went for my normal 4 mile walk this morning and, as I ordinarily do, greeted everyone I met. After all, they are my neighbors. One man, who was walking his 9-year old to school, looked particularly melancholy, yet when I said, "Hello", he brightened up and returned the greeting in as cheerful a tone as possible. I asked, "How are you doing?"
Well, as it turns out, not so well. His car is dead. So I drove him to pick up his paycheck from Old Country Buffet, took him to Walmart to cash it, to Autozone to buy a battery, then to my house to get tools, and then to his car parked at a friends house in Pagedale, where we replaced the battery. The car still did not start.
Along the way he told me his story about his strained relationship with the mother of his 3 children, a relationship he is trying hard to mend. I provided some guidance that I hope helps. He talked about his financial troubles, and I again helped as much as I can. On a positive note, he told me about his education and dreams.
My new friend has less than $250 to his name. He asked me to drop him at AutoWorld who will tow his car and tell him what's wrong. Not sure what he will do after that.
But also along the way, we looked up jobs that pay very well in the field in which he is trained. He told me he would spend today applying for them. I believe in him. I think by the end of our morning together, he believes in himself as well.
I hope that today is the day he takes charge of his life, gets the job he has worked so hard for, finds peace with the woman he loves, stability for his family and love and peace in his life. I hope to continue to help my new friend achieve those objectives.
We all have barriers and obstacles in life. Generally we have created them for ourselves. Often it is because we believe we are trapped, but are not. We believe we are not loved, but we are. We believe there is no way out, but there are many.
We just have to take charge of our lives, follow the voice of the universe (or God, or whoever) that guides us every moment of every day and have faith enough to follow that voice to our dreams.
I hear many pleas for help. Think positively and take charge of your life. Listen to your soul. It is always right. No shoulds. Do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. I am glad I did that this morning.
Enjoy life.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year to All.

It is a time to reset, consider the past, contemplate the future, change the things you want to and can, make peace with people for who they are. Begin to build a world in which you can live as simply and happily as you wish. Today is the first day of a new effort to take control of your life and make it truly yours. Consider having the personal faith in yourself, every moment of every day, to resist doing what others think you should do, but instead do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. If you do, you will find yourself happily living in harmony with all souls, which, in my opinion, is a good way to exist. Enjoy.