- http://applying-the-law-of-attraction.com/
So basically the Law of Attraction says that you control your universe and attract to you what you "ask" for. Like any law, it is impersonal and does not care what you actually want or mean or who you are. If you complain about being poor and in debt and lonely, the universe will make sure you get your wish. You will become poorer, more in debt and lonelier. If you wish to be happy, wealthy and full of friends, and that is what you think about, have faith you deserve and work toward, you will be happy, wealthy and full of friends.
One of the components is to do in life what you are deeply passionate about. Anyone who knows me knows that passion is the key to everything. I have long professed that to be successful you have to become best in your world at what you do. Your world is described by you, and can be limiting or broadening. Up to you.
Being best in the world is difficult. It takes time and commitment. It requires you to become an expert. The only thing you will spend the required amount of time doing the things required for you to become best in the world is that about which you are deeply passionate. As it turns out, focusing on your passions, what you want most in life, what you love most in life, and following through, essentially bends the universe so that you can achieve it. The universe bends to make it easier for you to reach. You want it so badly that to maintain harmony and balance in the universe, what I call the Harmony, brings it to you.
This applies to everything. This is the Harmony. When you do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do, you are tapping into this.
My concept of God as the connection of all souls makes perfect sense within the Law of Attraction. That force wants balance, harmony and for everyone to be happy. Harmony, grace and balance is found in happiness, not in sorrow, misery, fear and hatred. But, if you want to be poor, to maintain harmony, the Harmony/God/Connection of all Souls, will give you what you want.
I think back over the time during which I have become aware of the Harmony and I realize I have gotten EVERYTHING I have asked for. I have the job I chased down and got and love. I have Barbara, the love of my life. I have two great kids. I have a great family and even a great ex-family. I have friends, a great church, a nice place to live and all that stuff.
BUT, I am poor and in debt financially, BECAUSE I asked for it! I never asked or tried to have wealth. I am working on that. I have realized I am too nice and cannot effectively manage people. They were more important to me than money, so I let them get away with stuff. That actually made me happy. If Paul was feeling good about himself, I felt good, even if it was costing me money.
Ursula asked if I have always made the "right" decisions. I told her I have always made the decision I believed was right in my heart at the time, based on what I wanted out of the deal. For the period I knew him, Paul was off drugs, productive and happy. Once I moved away and our business ended, he went back to his old problems and is back in jail. I am sad for that, but I know HE asked for it! He bent the universe so that he would end up back in jail.
Did I learn from those decisions? Of course. I learned that I get exactly what I ask for. I can only control MY universe. Not Paul's. Not any of yours. I gained a greater understanding of the Harmony, of being poor, of who I am as a person, my strengths and weaknesses, and the importance of recognizing that you cannot have as YOUR main objective the universe of another person. You have no control over that universe. That is not your Harmony to deal with.
God is not a weird scary vengeful being in the sky. God is, in essence, YOU. God is the connection of all spirits and you control YOUR part of that universe. To stay in Harmony, God will adjust to what YOU ask for, so ask for things you really want.
There are even the same basic 3 steps in the Law of Attraction:
- Know what you want. Tell everyone. Write it down. Ask for it. Pray for it.
- Have unwavering faith that you will achieve it. Believe, no matter the obstacles and no matter the challenges along the way, that it will come to you. This is how you begin to let the connection of souls/God/the Harmony know how your universe needs to bend in order for it to stay in harmony.
- Finally, do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. You will become aware of the steps you need to take, the processes required, the people you need to meet, the things you need to say, etc, in order for you to achieve your objectives and restore balance to the universe. Do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do IMMEDIATELY! Do it without hesitation. Do it on faith. I have and it has landed me in precisely the place I asked for over and over again.
This applies to huge things and little things. Barbara and I were attending the Strawberry Festival a few weekends ago. We had worked out and were tired. I asked for a spot close to the fair. Barbara agreed we would find one. We found a pretty good one, but we both knew there would be a better one and passed it up. Sure enough the car in the very first spot next to the entrance pulled out as we arrived and we got the best spot in the place. We got it because we were in the Harmony and did not second guess what we knew would be true. I would say this is just a coincidence, but I do not believe in luck and we do this all the time and it always works!
For this to work, you really have to believe in it. You have to know what you want and go for it. You have to have faith when you know you are supposed to, like Indiana Jones, walk on the invisible walkway over the chasm to the chamber where the chalice, your goal, is located.
Find your passions, little and big. Find your loves, momentary and permanent. Find your dreams, short and long term. Make them happen. They are yours for the
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