We are confronted
by two questions,
“How will I make a living today”, and
“What is the
meaning of life?
It is the Big Questions that humans uniquely ponder,
“I am human, but
what does that mean?”
“I am spiritual,
but what does that mean?”
“Am I a human being having a spiritual experience, or
Am I a spiritual
being having a human one?”
In Christianity there is sin and salvation,
In Buddhism there
is no sin, only harmony.
In my life there is difficulty and joy,
I choose joy and
feel guilty about that.
Religions drive war, hatred and terror,
Yet “God” is
loving, caring and merciful.
Humans crave peace and love and harmony, and yet
We love power,
competition and success.
“I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.”
“It is not an auto
race without a fiery crash.”
Yin and yang are as natural as all of nature.
The bell curve
represents all in the world.
Good and bad, evil and holy, war and peace, strong and weak
Are all essential
to balance and harmony.
What is God?
Is there a heaven?
there a right and wrong?
there universal truths?
there one path for me or many?
What are the answers to the Big Questions?
Perhaps they are those
that bring us personal joy, peace and harmony,
if to others they seem violent, painful or crazy.
Well back to making a living . . .